Documents | ISOLUTE® cSPE for QuEChERS


    ISOLUTE® cSPE for QuEChERS are pre-packed columns designed for efficient clean-up of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. The columns use the same sorbent blends as dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) QuEChERS, and are designed to replace the traditional dSPE step with column solid phase extraction (cSPE). The columns are available for both AOAC and EN methods and for general, waxed and pigmented fruits and vegetables.

    isolute cspe

    Compared to traditional QuEChERS dSPE clean-up, these columns deliver:
    » A simplified workflow with fewer time-consuming manual steps
    » Cleaner extracts
    » Improved reproducibility
    » Automated processing options for improved accuracy

    QuEChERS Clean-up Workflow

    Typically, clean-up of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables using QuEChERS methods relies on the dSPE workflow where the sample is shaken with dSPE media and then centrifuged to separate the cleaned-up sample. This is time consuming and complex because of the numerous manual transfer, capping and de-capping steps involved.

    With pre-packed cSPE columns the workflow is significantly enhanced using a convenient flow-through format. So,
    instead of the usual procedure, the columns can be processed using vacuum, manual positive pressure or automated
    systems, leading to increased throughput. The simplified workflow means fewer manual transfer steps, which improves
    reproducibility, and reduces the risk of errors leading to lost samples or repeats. Unlike dSPE, there is no need to shake the QuEChERS extract with dSPE media, or centrifuge to separate out the cleaned-up extract. Simply add the extract to the cSPE column, apply gentle vacuum or pressure, and collect the clean extract directly into a vial, ready for analysis.

    biomark230 - dSPE vs cSPE

    Download the full product note to learn more about the enhanced clean-up and data robustness you can achieve with cSPE.

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