Generic Method for the Extraction of Quaternary Amines and Polybasic Drugs from Biological Fluids using ISOLUTE® HCX-Q Mixed-Mode SPE Columns and 96-well Plates
Documents|Generic Method for the Extraction of Quaternary Amines and Polybasic Drugs from Biological Fluids using ISOLUTE® HCX-Q Mixed-Mode SPE Columns and 96-well Plates
Generic Method for the Extraction of Quaternary Amines and Polybasic Drugs from Biological Fluids using ISOLUTE® HCX-Q Mixed-Mode SPE Columns and 96-well Plates
The use of ISOLUTE HCX mixed-mode sorbents is widely accepted for providing high purity extracts of basic drugs from biological fluids. The ISOLUTE HCX-Q sorbent utilizes a combination of weak cation exchange and C8 non-polar retention mechanisms.
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