The variable part of the income is based on that the company reaches certain predetermined results.
All members of the executive management have a variable income not exceeding 40 per cent of the fixed yearly income. 75 per cent of the variable salary is dependent on the company achieving certain predetermined results. The remaining 25 per cent of the variable salary is base upon predetermined criteria related to personal performance.
The Board of Directors has the possibility to resolve that an additional discretionary bonus shall be paid to the members of the executive management, including the CEO. The conditions for payment of the discretionary bonus shall be of extraordinary character.
Conditions for variable income and performance criteria – The Board of Directors may at its own discretion determine the conditions for payment of variable income.
At the AGM held on April 28, 2022, the shareholders resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to implement a share based incentive program as outlined in the notice for the AGM.
The Compensation Committee meet when so is required and attend to matters relating to salaries, other employment conditions, pension benefits and bonus for the CEO and members of the Management team that reports directly to the CEO, as well as other compensation matters of principal interest.
Biotage is the Global Go-To Separations Company, supporting customers from drug discovery and development through to diagnostics and analytical testing with intelligent and sustainable workflow solutions. Our expertise and top-tier separation solutions play a key role in streamlining our customers’ workflows and improving their outcomes. Headquartered in Sweden, Biotage operates globally with 700 employees, serving over 80 countries. Our company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm (BIOT).
Copyright © 2024 Biotage
Biotage är ett Globalt Go-To Separations-företag, som stödjer kunder inom forskning och tillverkning av läkemedel, diagnostik och analytiska tester, med intelligenta och hållbara arbetsflödeslösningar. Vår expertis och våra högkvalitativa separationslösningar spelar en nyckelroll för att effektivisera kunders arbetsflöden och förbättra deras resultat. Biotage har sitt huvudkontor i Sverige, 700 medarbetare globalt, och levererar lösningar till över 80 länder. Vårt företag är noterat på NASDAQ Stockholm (BIOT).
Copyright © 2020 Biotage
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